Saturday, December 15, 2007

John Edwards...Means What He Says

The Washington Bureau Chief of Fortune Magazine says that the democrats don't really mean it when it comes to holding corporations accountable and changing the system.

All of them except John Edwards!

...Edwards, in particular, has hit on an effective formula with populist-minded Iowans: While the two frontrunners, Obama and Clinton, stab-wound each other, Edwards catches attention by dropping a bomb on corporate America. On Thursday, a focus group of Iowa voters holding dial-meters and organized by Fox News (where I am a contributor) showed a mediocre response when Clinton talked about controlling healthcare costs, but off-the-chart support when Edwards let loose against corporate interests.

"I've been fighting these people my entire life," declared the former trial lawyer. "Some people argue that we're going to sit at a table with these people and they're going to voluntarily give their power away. I think it is a complete fantasy. It will never happen....We have an epic battle in front of us."

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