Monday, December 3, 2007

Haircut Charity Attracts John Edwards

A sweet story from the New Hampshire campaign trail.
Presidential hopeful John Edwards inadvertently made the late night comedy shows this year when his campaign spending reports included two $400 haircuts. Now Mrs. Edwards has joined other candidates helping a Concord hair stylist who wants to turn the controversy into help for a good cause.

David Holden owns Hair Biz on Main Street, a couple of doors away from an Edwards campaign office. After the Democratic former senator's haircut made news last spring, Holden challenged presidential hopefuls to come in for $400 haircuts of their own, promising to donate all of the proceeds to autism research. His 12-year-old son has autism.

Republicans Tom Tancredo and Mike Huckabee and Democrat Dennis Kucinich have stopped in for a $400 style. "They went a little beyond the challenge, and that's wonderful," Holden said.

During the weekend, Holden received a note signed by Elizabeth Edwards, and a check for $500 toward autism research. He said she wrote that she had heard about his challenge and admired the commitment he and his wife, Nancy, were making to their adopted son, Costica.

"This personal check is a small down payment on a larger promise John made some time ago to make the lives of children with disabilities and their families better," she wrote. - AP

and a little more from the Union Leader.

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